Build a LEGO® Universe


This page is an excerpt of ideas used in the book Particle Physics Brick by Brick.


The outreach team at QMUL and myself developed an idea I had to use LEGO® to explain particle physics and the early history of the Universe. The resulting workshop ‘Build Your Own Universe’ proved a big hit with all ages both in schools and at public events such as the Big Bang Fair. Further workshops were then developed covering A-Level particle physics and GCSE radioactivity curricula.

Resources are free to download from the QMUL Physics Outreach site or below.

Selected media interest: LEGO® Education UK, Wired, The Brick Life



Build Your Own Universe
Poster Thumbnail
Building Thumbnail
Build A LEGO Universe TAlk
Build A LEGO Universe Talk Slides
Fission and Fusion (GCSE)
Fission Thumbnail
Particle Physics (A-Level)
Particle Thumbnail

Also available: Lesson Plan and Powerpoint Presentation

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site. Project funded by SEPnet and STFC.
